Monday, March 1, 2010

Tuesday Tensions

Hardly even defined as tension, despite the papers were hard, I 'd hardly even feel any tension.

English paper was never a problem, till this year they just had to give 2 essays with the allocated time of only 1 hour.. Many complained time wasn't sufficient. I was at the peak of ending, so it didn't really matter. Ass part was add maths, the teacher who gave the scale of the x-axis and y-axis, didn't even co-relate to the question. and ½ hour was wasted just by teacher walkin in and out not figurin what to do.. Proud as I must be, this would mark my first ever time to pass Add Maths.

Hence history, the most despised paper of all subjects.. My head was on the table before it even began, and woke up the last 5 minutes to shoot the objective.

"I'd rather doze than to waste my time on Sejarah" quoted me.
"Drawing graphs are merely killing trees" quoted Yap Zhen Wei
"1+1=3" quoted Oxford.

Screw exams, off to DotA.

"By ebb, and flow"
Slardar - Slithereen Guard

Your's truly,
- Jo ♥ Jo ~

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