Monday, October 27, 2008

All about movies..

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Notice: Short post..

Watched High School Musical yesterday, it was fact it was rather fantastic.. news went that it smashed all box office records!! Kinda forgot the amount..but it was friggin ALOT... Imma see Quantum of Solace rawr~

Ps..AXN too sexy ad is cool...and so random LOL

Depression Dilemma

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24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 31 days a month... Maybe I'm exaggerating, but it's true. Sometimes, I would just wonder, why this term, called depression, exists in the dictionary...

Depression, a term used when it occurs a sharp pain in the heart, or feeling so extremely down... We as humans all just want happiness, joy, and all the other good events.... But as people are enjoying, the term depression is usually right behind the mind... When the world seem to turn against you, all thats left of you seems to have gone far out in the sky. People like you and me, we take things for granted, as if all were laid right in front of us, ready for us to grab it.... But wrong as it is, it will be gone before we even know it was there under our noses. Parents always keep nagging, wanting us not to take things for granted....all of us did...and slowly as time goes by, only nothing would have been left for us..

When does this term depression comes in?
I don't know about you, but I feel this everyday... It has become like a routine for me, until it seems as if God installed this into my life from the beginning... Maybe its just a punishment for me because I don't really appreciate what I have been given from young. Or maybe its just because suffering is what I live with... Considered yourselves blessed, you are but you just don't see me. You, yes I mean you, may also think your lives are full of depression, but I can even say that you seriously don't even know the FULL definition of depression...This is the reason of why you people see me as a very f*cked up person being brought up unproperly by a dysfunctional family. Well I'm not going to deny that, it is actually the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.. I'm sad to admit, but I just did.... Being hated by plenty of people makes it worse... When it all adds up, the total sum might be nothing more then mere depression. Especially when it involves friends... I lose friends more easily than making them.. Thats why I treasure them who really understands me and support me all the way.. Yes you know who you are and I'd just say a sincere word of thanks to you. But to those who just judge me like judging a book by it's cover, all I can say to you is ............... I'd better not say in case more hatred is conjuored towards me..

Imma bring this to an end now... Once upon a time I thought this incident, this happening, was going to be history, but I find now that it's going to be the present, and the future till the day of my final breath... Once upon a time, I'd thought my life was going to be better. Apparently, those thoughts are in vain... In fact, the thoughts now that are swarming through my mind, are filled with the only events of depression...

By yours truly,

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bored tag..

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1.Do you have secrets?
- Who doesn't?

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- Have everyone to make love, not war...=P

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
- A bull's...

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- Buy a mansion, feast at wendy's everyday, renovate the toilet and install a 77' inch plasma tv. If theres any money left it will go to RMCC..if you know what it means...=)

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
- Prehaps.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- Loving someone who's loving me?...

7. If you had 3 wishes what would it be?
- Good grades.
- Get a laptop
- Screw Anwar...

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- Erm, let it be? Its their will...

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
- Duhh....

10. What takes you down the fastest?
- Nothing?

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
- I'm not god..

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
- Friends and friends alone..

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- Each choice has it's pros' and cons'.. I can't really decide..

15. Would you give all in a relationship?
- Yes.

16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- The one I love more?...

17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- Depends on the situation.

18. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
- Refer to number 14

19. What's the hardest thing for you?
- Maintaining relationships with friends...

- Anyone who wants to be tagged..=x

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hungry anyone?

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Short Post: I Like Pie =D....

Here are my top 5 favourites pies ..

Tis here a Cherry Pie..=)

Chocolate Chiffon Pie...very savoury..

Ahh...the Shepherd's Pie... My number one favourite.. XD.

Here is a Lemon Meringue Pie..if you ever seen one before....

Last but not least is...

Tada!!...the Apple Pie..=D. Its not round sadly.. But the ones MCD makes are not too bad either..

Now I shall list the order of my favourites..

#1 Shepherd's Pie

#2 Apple Pie

#3 Cherry Pie

#4 Chocolate Chiffon Pie

#5 Lemon Meringue Pie

Somehow I find chocolate in pies are not a suitable ingredient..XD


Tuesday Treasurable Moments....

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Came home with a feeling of guilt..... Wondered why it happened there and then....

Was invited for bowling around at 1400 hours...well didn't work out quite as score kinda sucked due to the months I haven't touched a bowling ball....

This is a real story in a metaphorized version
At 1615 hours, I sailed far beyong the a deserted island... Or so I thought it was deserted.....Met up with some inhabitants there... And there we were discussing a way to get me out from the island.. But as time passed it was getting kinda boring.. We spent the time playing wif a coconut...throwing it into a hole made in the sand....And it was then I met up with the person that was always on my mind...

I walked her towards a corner and spent the time alone with was as if memories that were long lost were all coming back to me in a her touch I recalled every single incident of my past life... She comforted me after hearing my story... The feeling I felt that very moment was indeed beyond comprehension....certainly no words could just describe it. I treasured every single second with did she...

When it was time for me to depart home, we walked hand in hand towards a small boat the locals made from oak wood for me to drift home..... We exchanged silent goodbyes to each other...but not before promising to keep sending messages to each other with a white dove... It was all just so fast.... Not long, a light rain fell.... I just faced up as the raindrops pattered on my face silently.... Wondering was it The Almighty One watching me from above and crying little tears of happiness for me... I was just not sure.....

Arrived home safely at 1935 hours, hoped into the computer chair and opened the internet browser and began working my fingers on the keyboard typing this short but wonderful experience, a truly memorable one...

Now signing off...
From what she loved to call me -Waiwai~

Monday, October 20, 2008

LOL tagged.

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Tagged by Huihui mui:

1. What is your relationship of you and her?
~Kor and mui..

2. Your 5 impressions towards her
~Science and maths pro, curly haired, mad bout piano (and guitar now =.=), loves animals, and own a very annoying dog..(to me)

3. The most memorable thing she has done for you
~Erm...beyond comprehension...

4. The most memorable thing she had said to you
~Same as number 3

5. If she becomes your lover, you will...
~Be in history

6. If she becomes your enemy, you will...
~Be also in history

7. If she becomes your lover, she has to improve on...
~Her attitute and temper

8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
~If I continued sm**ing

9. The most desirable thing to do on her is..?
~Won't happen...=.=

10. The overall impression of her is...
~A blessed mui~

11. How do you think people around you will feel about you ?

12. The character of you yourself is?
~People see me as a very f*cked up person perhaps..but i'm a very socialable person.

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is ?
~Level of impulsiveness...

14. The most ideal person you wanna be is?
~A performer on piano

15. For those people who care about you and like you, say something about them.
~I really appreciate you people for the care you've shown me. I don't have many friends due to my attitute. But I really thank you for being patient with me all the way. Thanks again to whoever you are..=)

Now i tag:
Shi Hui
Boon Hui
Ming Yan

Job me, Job you?

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Short post: ahem....

I'M HIRED!@#$! *dances round and round and trips over my rabbit*

I'll be working in MCD in summit at either 28th october or 1st november. Be sure to drop by to have a meal here ar? =x

Your's truly,

PMR is history~

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Yea yea....Gone is one of the biggest exams that would influence our future... i hope i did well...=.=

All the same I hoped that I could have done better....I predict a 4A for me, myself and I. Not much I suppose...but I think my studies is worthwhile.. The amount of just beyond comprehension... I never even thought I could have made it out alive of the exam hall LOL...

After the last paper, I went straight home and went to summit =). Bowled there. Man I sucked...Oh yea I haven't touched a bowling ball since July...=.=. Later I met up with some other guys and we spammed arcade...(Daytona especially..) Watched House Bunny...Laughed my ass one of my favourite lines: SWEET BALLS!!

At night, my parents took me to sunway pyramid to celebrate my 'PMR Over-ness' with a Korean food restaurant..Note the food sucked...=x so much for celebrating zzz. I ended my day at 9.15pm....practically dropped on the bed..SO TIRED@#@%!!

Thy end here and now,