Friday, March 19, 2010

Les Memoirs.

Henceforth some hold-stills from yesterday and day before. Forgive my retarded substitute camera phone, it's pixels is only 1mp.

To those who aren't 1337 enough, seremban is a long way from here.. here are the steps,
1: Train departs from subang.
2: Reaches KL Central
3: Switch train that heads to seremban.

Whole process takes 2½ hours, how pleasant. Despite that, pleasant, comes after.

Some pictures on the KTM.

Companion for the road.

Perspective zipping through.

Sneak peaks in teh house.

Read between us.

Many more yet to be posted, most because of censory, and many other purposes.
Anyway, I'll slip one through.

Yes babe, I sibei love you lots..

"My strength, is yours."
Syllbear - Lone Druid

- Jo ♥ Jo ~

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