Saturday, March 13, 2010

Imbalance of the force.

My father didn't know I hath reincarnated my blog. And I just got into some deep shit fight with him. It was an admirable one.. And before that, I just told him my blog was resurrected.

So I hope you're reading this "dad". This post is dedicated specially to you, my ex-father who is too fucking close minded.

You're a proud man eh? Every time you read my blog, you'd be so proud to show it to people in your office. So share this to all of them, so that the world knows how unlucky I am to even call you my father.

Yes, I've been given many times a lecture about "the love of parents", "the blood and sweat", "Their sacrifices".. Dammit please, I'm the optimist one, not you.. When people tell you that you're blind, you're still too blind to see it. I even added an extra verb called "fucking blind" to you. Obviously a pair of spectacles ain't enough for you..

For too long, I hath been seeking refuge under your useless wings of "protection".. People in the world reading this now will have the image of me disrespecting my "father". But it is your fucking inadequancy to interpret that.. Ye think ye the only individual to have put up with a child like me? I got fuckin sick of doing that myself to you.. Never I hath caught a glimpse of anybody's father in the world as delinquent as you.. The exchange of the term "fuck" already proves you're merely one minion of the damned.

I wish I could tell more to the whole world about this underdog. But my means are limited.. As one would have acknowledged my call, clearer than the clearest river..

I am disowned by him, not legally as the law states. Nevertheless, I still count it in my favor. So till then or never, FUCK YOU.. You were never my father, just like you said before me, that I was never your son.

Be grateful I never mentioned your name, I'm all a tingle to do so.

I'm just letting the world know what sort of father are you.

"What's done is done"
Crixalis - Sand King

Your's damned,
- Josh ½ wong~

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