Thanks Mom and Dad.. xD..
My heartbeat, in sync with the rhythm.
Till Zach invited me to go jamming with some dudes on friday. Well, he kept inviting me for the last 3 months, but non of us had been free on the same time... Last friday itself was a blast. Rhythmix in SS15 was an awesome studio. Jammed for 2 hours. Total participants where 6, which include Zach(Electric Guitarist), me(Bassist), Paul(Keyboardist), Melvin(Electric Guitarist), Jin Shern(Electric Guitarist), Seng Kiat(drummer). It was a bit chaotic as there were not enough instruments at that time, but it was resolved quickly as to take turns playing, or swap instruments. Man the awesomeness..high is the word.My dream instrument for now.. Ibanez at the least..
But then again, here's the video produced and directed by me, myself and I. Schaun provided a little inspiration.
Please ignore the credits. Stop at 50 seconds..
Or go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD_15hXYnwY for better quality viewing.
Worn out,
Take 2, I'm indicating the take 2 sign xD..
Almost all the hand gestures are done by CYA..xD
A few minutes later, results were shown:
Nice hor? success~
Then Ian, the one on the right looking at the camera, did something random, but yet so cool.. And lost 5 marks for that.. He directly burned the magnesium strip instead of burning it in the crucible..
But so yeng. Magnificent... click to enlarge, you'll see the full power. (not bad for a camera phone xD)..The light, the smoke, the gloow..perfect..*drool*
Ye know,
I've learned to type like this from others.
It's cool.
But only for extremely short posts.
Or you basically have nothing to write,
So you write like that to make it look long.
Thats besides the point.
Point is,
I learned another thing from a
retard. I mean friend..
And I find it meaningful and true.
The word is:
I'll do my best.
Okay maybe not word, sentence more like..
To some people,
this may be just something you randomly say anyday
or any situation.
For me,
I began to see the meaning behind this sentence.
Draw out the inner strength from within
to archive something.
If in any circumstance,
you feel your will is failing,
just think this:
I'll do my best.
"3 for the cause you've been, makin. Its 4 for the times you've been, fakin"
Blue - All Rise
Rolling out,
»Wjw ♥ Njw 4EvA«
Yeah I know it's long over.. My 1st post for piano in youtube.. Stay tuned for more.. =)
Yeah it says it all doesn't it?.. I hope I'll pass my probation. Very little chance though.. And I'd like to emphasize one thing. About people saying prefects are 'teacher's pets' or 'teacher's dogs'.. So this is to all ye people saying this: STFU. I don't know about other prefects, but I'm not the listening type. Yes I can say I don't listen to teachers, so making me not one of the 'teacher's dogs'. I do my own will, if teachers require help, I do at my own will and enjoyment, not because I was called to. So get it right.
2ndly. Yesterday for project est, we had to create parachutes with 2 A4 papers..and it was dropped from the highest floor, (my class is the highest floor). Someone goes down and check. So, the parachute is carrying an egg. Who's egg did not break would win.. So you get the point.. Mine broke..sadly, but I still got full marks.. Teacher said she liked my design. Lol.. Today I had nothing to do..so I created another parachute on the spot. I used 4 papers this time.. and my cargo was a highligher and a correction tape... After school, the experiment was conducted again as today was the last day. So after watching about 7-10 groups dropped their parachutes and hearing the eggs break, I called out to teacher to watch mine carefully. People were pestering me to let go already... And, so I did. After I let go, they started 'wuooOOOOOO'.. Hahax.. Mine actually 'flew' down so nicely... Like a real parachute.. Oh well, I created this out of boredom, and it brought the opposite to all the people..
On my personal details right now, I have to start to learn not posting them on my blog. As some said blog is for people to read, so keep personal feelings to yourself. In my opinion, this is my blog. I have the rights to post whatever I want to.. But, that person made a point. That is, people would start thinking negative about you if you post the details that makes readers think the wrong way.. Therefore, I will reconsider. If I want, I would post a post about one of my deep thoughts I'm influenced right now. If I don't want, sorry then, no readings about my personal life.. If so, whats the point of putting 'its my life'.. Stupid decisions..
Okay, backtracking.. Dammit I'm getting old. I can't seem to remember past events.. Okay here's some.. I hate to say it though..what to do.. I officially failed my add maths, chemistry, and sejarah.. Expected though..weak subjects.. But I'll work it up..trying to.. Though I'm wondering what chemistry and sejarah is going to be any help to me in my future career.. Screw secondary schools that art stream don't provide music..only provide crap accounts, economics, geography..all I hate.. I'm starting to wonder which retard would say form 4 is honeymoon year..
Relieving stress with Cabal, Dota, plurk, Gc... Call me no life, but this is life..
Tomorrow is merentas desa.. Don't know why they call it merentas desa as we're only running around the whole USJ 2.. And for the 1st time in Seafield, I'm walking..jog a little too.. Totally no mood.. Listen song and jogging..not bad a combo.. My merentas desa number is 1212.. Nice eh? Nice number but not putting in effort to run..not a good combo.. After it's over maybe fly over to Summit to either catch a movie or makan..
I was blogging bout what happened..suddenly I'm talking bout things that haven't even happen.. the retardation in me is kicking in..
Update till here for now.. I'm going Defence Of The Ancient..
Your's truly-
Wjw ♥ Njw 4EvA~