Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Every title has it's meaning

Yeah....the title of this blog says it does my new skin and my new slogan...nice eh? Jk nia~

Well, I know its lame...writing posts in the wee hours of the morning, well thats my passion, lol... That's what gave me my title about: shadows of darkness...I thrived in the depths of darkness sometimes because I cant seem to find the light of the world... And to think actually thou once said: Let there be light!... I dont wanna bore anyone with this post now...people might not like it..

Just wanted to explain bout my new skin and title. Kinda like it...comment bout it~.. This few days happened alot of things.. Imma blog about it in the next post.

Random thought: Live your life well, you only have one..

Yours truly,

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